Wednesday, April 11, 2007

How Metro is a lot like Hell

The DC Metro has a no food policy. No food is sold in the stations. No food or drink is allowed on the trains or in the stations. This means it is a remarkably clean public transit system. The penalty for eating on the Metro is not to be handcuffed, arrested and charged, but instead a simple citation and a $50 fine.

I know all that, but it doesn't stop me from snacking or drinking on the way home from work. I'm hungry or thirsty and I've got 25 minutes underground. I don't spill or drop crumbs.

Yesterday, as I stood on the Cleveland Park Metro platform waiting for my train to Union Station, a nice man tapped me on my shoulder and told me over the cacophony of my baseball-centric playlist, that I could be fined $50 for drinking my Slurpee. I thanked him and he walked away. I took another sip.

You see, I know in my brain that I could be fined $50 for drinking on the Metro, but I don't think it will happen to me. I've never seen anyone get fined. I don't know anyone that has been fined. I've only heard that it happens, like an urban legend. It doesn't scare me or alter my behaviour one bit.

I would imagine that Hell is that way to many people. They've heard about Hell, but never seen it or met anyone who has been there. At best, they've met a nice man who tapped them on the shoulder once and warned them about Hell. But it doesn't change their behaviour.

Since I still drink my Slurpee, is it any wonder why the concern of Hell doesn't bring more people into church doors?
