Friday, January 06, 2006

Friday Prayer Blogging - Health edition

In the wake of Ariel Sharon's highly publicized stroke and my inability to beat off a cold, I thought today's Friday Prayer Blogging should focus on health and well-being. We know that Jesus healed the sick, so we can pray with certainty that God is greater than any sickness we are battling.

Will you join me in praying for
  • Ariel Sharon's health and the general stability of Israel at this time
  • Mrs. Expat Teacher and myself. We are both fighting a cold we came down with during our return trip earlier this week
  • gurufrisbee's wife and her pregnancy. No news is good news on that front, but with 4 months to go, any and all prayers are needed
  • gurufrisbee and MoLak-Jedi, who work with cold and flu magnets on a daily basis. That they won't get ill during this cold and flu season

One additional praise, Mrs. Expat Teacher was in limbo about her job, but it seems resolved with a very satisfactory outcome. Praise the Lord.

Let us pray

Like always, please add additional prayer requests or praises in the comments
